Scotland's Mental Health Partnership
Across our membership, we have representation from all corners of the sector. This extends into the evidence and research these partners produce to inform policy makers and the public. Please find below what we intend to become an expanding hub of intelligence, broken down by subject areas:
Children and young people
Mental Health Foundation: Mapping interventions for children and young people experiencing bereavement, loss and grief
Mental Health Foundation: Impacts of lockdown on the mental health of children and young people
Depression and self-harm
Scottish Recovery Network: Meaningful Connections – how peer support in Scotland adapted to a digital world
British Psychological Society: From poverty to flourishing – Bringing psychology into action on poverty
Impact of Covid-19 pandemic
Mental Health Foundation: Coronavirus: Mental Health in the Pandemic study: a multi-wave, representative study of the mental health effects of the pandemic on adults in Scotland.
Scottish Recovery Network: Staying connected – Insights and inspiration from people across Scotland on staying well during and after lockdown
Scottish Recovery Network: Build Back Better – What a recovery mindset can offer the future Scotland’s mental health and wellbeing
Physical Health
Cross Party Group on Mental Health: Priorities for the physical wellbeing of people with mental health problems
Evidence & Research