Scotland's Mental Health Partnership
Who we are
Scotland’s Mental Health Partnership is made up of 17 professional bodies and mental health third sector organisations. Our members represent, among others, those with lived experience, providers, clinical professionals, carers, community support networks and the wider third sector. Each organisation contributes its direct experience and unique perspective to create an informed collective voice on mental health.”
Our role, purpose and beliefs
The Partnership developed out of a collective desire to offer new perspectives and a progressive vision for mental health in Scotland. We are committed to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of people across Scotland and, in line with Christie Commission recommendations, promote the prevention of mental health issues and early intervention where problems do arise. We aim to:
Population mental health – Increase awareness of the prevalence and consequences of poor mental health among the population and influence public attitudes towards those experiencing mental ill health.
Cross-policy scope – To embed across policy areas an understanding and responsiveness to the widespread impacts decisions can have on mental health.
Prevention – To promote a preventative agenda to mental ill health which is informed by and meets the needs of all those with poor mental wellbeing and mental ill health.
Stigma – To support action to end stigmatising and discriminatory behaviour towards people with mental health problems.
Inequalities – To promote the understanding of the link between health, socioeconomic and cultural inequalities and mental health, and the need for measures to address these.
Support, care and treatment – Improve the provision, accessibility and quality of mental health support, care and treatment in Scotland, with a focus on ensuring these are person centred, rights based and empowering. Alongside this is promoting, at a minimum, a parity of esteem between mental and physical health care provision
We believe that there is an appetite and need for a significant shift in our approach to mental health in Scotland and that by working in unity, complex change is more achievable.
This is driven both by a desire to reduce the incidence of mental health issues and to improve outcomes and experiences for those experiencing problems. We recognise the increasing burden and costs associated with mental health issues but also see the opportunities afforded by, for example, the use of new technology, the democratisation of personal information and generally conducive policy environment. We also believe there is great potential for citizens and communities to assume active roles in mental health promotion and support.

The team​
Lee Knifton, Chair
As Director of the Mental Health Foundation in Scotland and Northern Ireland, Lee leads its policy, research, programmes and external relations teams. He took up Chair of the Partnership in 2020 as part of its new leadership structure. Prior to this role, he spent four years as the Associate Head of The Foundation and has considerable experience working in the NHS, University and Third Sector in mental health, addictions, prisons and justice fields. More broadly Lee has been involved in leading local and international health policy initiatives.
Gordon Johnston, Policy Lead
Gordon has utilised his expertise in the mental health field and his lived experience of a bipolar disorder across many voluntary sector mental health organisations. He is currently a Director of VOX and Bipolar Scotland. Gordon has been acting as the Partnership’s Policy Lead since October 2020, and played a key role in development of its manifesto.
Jane Gordon, Secretariat
Following a range of roles in non-communicable disease policy and public affairs, Jane joined the RCPsych in Scotland in August 2024. As part of the College’s leadership role in the Partnership, she plays a key role facilitating its work and engagement.